The Hall of Fame Menu

You may view the history of the ten-best scores by selecting "View Hall of Fame" from the "Options" menu. I expect that this file will eventually fill up with "ones" and "twos," so you may, at your pleasure, delete the file by selecting "Delete Hall of Fame." Like the variable-sub speed, the size of the Hall of Fame is also something which you may define in the preferences.

Contacting the Author

You may e-mail me using the link on the left (another such link is in the "About..." window of the application), or write at:

314 Geyer Forest Drive
St. Louis, Missouri 63122

If you are doing so, I would appreciate information on your machine and OS version (this is particularly important for a bug report). I would also like to know where you saw the game, and/or downloaded it.

Thank you for playing ASHCAN. I appreciate any and all feedback. Flamers, however, take note: if you're contemplating some sort of witticism along the lines of "Ashcan...Trashcan," I've already heard that line. In fact, I was expecting it for months before I actually got it.